Rose Tea Pyramid Tea Bag Packaging Machine

Rose Tea Pyramid Tea Bag Packaging Machine

Rose tea is a tea drink made from fresh roses through drying and other processes.

Rose tea has many benefits. It is rich in nutrients such as vitamin C and flavonoids, and has certain effects on beauty, endocrine regulation, and mood relief.

When brewing, the water temperature should not be too high, preferably 70-80 degrees, so that its aroma and nutrients can be better preserved.

There are also some precautions when drinking rose tea, such as pregnant women and women during menstruation need to drink under the guidance of a doctor.

Do you want to know the brewing method and efficacy of rose tea, or do you want me to write a copy about rose tea for you?

類型: 茶袋包裝機系列
產品模型: C27DX
產品名稱: C27DX自動金字塔/扁平lnner和外包堆積機
目的: LT適用於寬鬆的產品內部和外包包裝
葉茶, 草藥茶, 醫療茶,TieGuanYin, 朗吉, DaMaoFeng,DaHongPao, 玫瑰茶, 參, ETC.
特徵: 三角袋機的包裝材料是尼龍, 從日本進口的非織造材料, 這是無毒的, 沒有細菌, 耐熱的高質量食品級材料符合我們的民族安全檢查標準。機器使用獨特的密封方法-Ultrasonic.it可以緊密密封, 安全, 減少額外邊緣的寬度,避免任何浪費包裝材料.
包裝材料: 從日本進口的尼龍材料,非織物,100%可生物降解的透明材料,寵物,PLA.

填充範圍: 1〜10克/袋, 準確性: 0.1g/袋
填充方法: 6 頭電子稱重器 (8 可以定制頭稱重器)
包裝卷寬度: 120毫米, 140毫米, 160毫米, 180毫米
密封lenght: 50、60、70、80(毫米)
外包大小: l:90mm-12mm-w:80mm-100mm
密封方法: 通過超聲密封和切割
密封裝置的數量: 2套
包裝速度: 50〜65bags/min
電機動力: 220v,50赫茲,3KW
空氣供應: ≥0.6Pa(空氣壓縮機的可選)
重量: 950公斤
方面: 2000mm*1200mm*2800mm(l*w*h)




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