black tea pyramid tea bag packaging machine for Indonesian

black tea pyramid tea bag packaging machine for Indonesian

Indonesian black tea pyramid tea bag packaging machine
Indonesian black tea pyramid tea bag packaging machine

#### 1. **起源 & Climate Conditions**
– **Main Production Areas**:
Java Island (notably high-altitude regions like Bandung) and Sumatra Island are Indonesia’s two primary tea-growing zones, with Java renowned for premium tea plantations.
– **Climate Impact**:
Tropical rainforest climate ensures year-round harvesting but results in bold-flavored tea with higher tannin content due to high temperatures and heavy rainfall.

#### 2. **Production Techniques**
– **Dominant Method**:
CTC (Crush, Tear, Curl) processing dominates, producing granular tea suited for industrial-scale production. Ideal for quick brewing and strong infusions, widely used in tea bags and blends.
– **Traditional Method**:
A limited number of estates use orthodox whole-leaf processing (similar to Gongfu black tea), yielding more delicate flavors but with lower output.

#### 3. **フレーバープロファイル**
– **Typical Characteristics**:
CTC tea: Deep crimson liquor, robust taste with smoky/woody notes.
Orthodox tea: Potential fruity or floral nuances.
– **Pairing Suggestions**:
Bold CTC variants pair well with sugar, milk, or lemon, commonly used in Indonesian sweet tea (*Teh Manis*) or milk tea.

#### 4. **Market & Brands**
– **Export Status**:
Indonesia ranked as the 5th-largest tea exporter globally (2023 data), with black tea accounting for over 70% of exports. Key markets: ロシア, Pakistan, and the Middle East.
– **Representative Brands**:
– **Sosro**: Indonesia’s largest tea company, famous for bottled ready-to-drink tea (*Teh Botol*) using CTC tea blends.
– **2Tang**: Focuses on tea products, offering CTC black tea and blends.
– **Kintamani**: Specialty black tea from Bali, partially organic-certified.

#### 5. **Industry Overview**
– **Cost Advantage**:
Competitive pricing in the global blend market due to lower production costs.
– **Challenges**:
Limited brand recognition compared to Indian/Sri Lankan teas and minor presence in premium markets.

#### 6. **Brewing Guidelines**
– **Water Temperature**: 95-100 (CTC tolerates high heat).
– **Steeping Time**:
CTC: 3-5 minutes
Orthodox: 2-3 minutes
– **Dosage**: 1 teaspoon CTC tea or 2g whole-leaf tea per 150ml water.

#### 7. **Historical Context**
Introduced during Dutch colonial rule (18th century), initially for green tea cultivation. Shifted to black tea production in the 20th century to meet international demand.

#### Notes
– **Data Timeliness**: Information based on pre-2023 data; market dynamics may have evolved by 2025.
– **Quality Variation**: Significant flavor differences exist across regions/processing methods. Recommend trying small-batch samples for comparison.

タイプ: ティーバッグ包装機シリーズ
製品モデル: C28DX
商品名: C28DX 自動ピラミッド/フラット内袋包装機
目的: ルースなどの製品の内袋・外袋包装に適しています。
リーフティー, ハーブティー, 健康茶,ネクタイ観音, 龍井, 大茂峰,ダ・ホン・パオ, ローズティー, 人参, 等.
特徴: 三角袋機の包装材質はナイロンです。, 日本から輸入された不織布素材, これは無毒です, 細菌がいない, 国家安全検査基準に適合した耐熱性の高品質食品グレードの材料を使用。独自のシール方式「超音波」を採用し、しっかりとシールできます。, 安全に, 余分なエッジの幅を減らす,梱包材の無駄を省く.
包装材: 日本から輸入されたナイロン素材,不織布,100%生分解性透明素材,ペット,人民解放軍.

充填範囲: 1~10g/袋, 正確さ: 0.1グラム/袋
充填方法: 6 ヘッド電子秤 (8 ヘッド重量計はカスタマイズ可能です)
パッキングロール幅: 120mm, 140mm, 160mm, 180mm
シール長さ: 50、60、70、80(mm)
外袋サイズ: L:90mm-120mm w:80mm~100mm
シーリング方法: 超音波によるシールと切断
密封装置の数量: 2sets
梱包速度: 50~65袋/分
モーターのパワー: 220V,50ヘルツ,3キロワット
空気の供給: ≧0.6MPa(オプションでエアコンプレッサー付き)
重さ: 950KG
寸法: 2000mm*1200mm*2800mm(長さ×幅×高さ)

Indonesian pyramid tea bag packaging machine




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